The March 2023 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris was a golden experience. Many got to witness first-hand the fulfillment of prophecies. In preparation for these services, many participated in the 1 million Prayer Clouds and within the 3 days the program hit the airwaves, these prayers were all answered.

The grand finale commenced at exactly 3 p.m. (GMT+1) with a graceful worship segment led by the Loveworld Singers. The enriched lyrics stirred the hearts of many as they expressed their love for the soon-coming King.

What followed this was a special opening address and prayer segment led by the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips. Coincidentally, the Rhapsody of Realities article for the day was ‘Healing and Health’ which she read and led the audience in prayers.

She also shared words of hope before the service moved on to the talk show segment, stating, “It’s an amazing showdown today. Everything you have been waiting for is wrapped up in Day 3. Have great expectations; expect a touch from God!”

Joining Pastor Deola on set for this special talk show was a senior minister of the Healing School, Rev. Tom Amenkhienan. They shared their thoughts on the marvelous acts witnessed on Day 2 of the Live Healing Services.  

This evolved into reading splendid testimonies sent in through various testimony platforms of the Healing School. Khalid from France received an awesome gift from God. 20 years ago, he experienced heart failure which rendered him debilitated and unable to move without aid.

His bright morning came as Pastor Chris ministered; he got up, removed the braces, and walked for the first time in 20 years without aid!

Song Yu from China was also blessed tremendously; this lady experienced cerebral hemorrhage which affected her coordination. Owing to this, she was unable to perform physical activities. The story however changed as she received her healing while participating in the Healing Streams Live Healing Service.

The segment came to a conclusion with these exalting words, “The move of God continues today. The man of God speaks the word and it is settled. So don't be discouraged. Don't you let this moment pass you by. This is your day of visitation! This is the time of favor! The time for your healing has come and it is now!”

Host of ‘How to Receive a Miracle Today’ and senior minister of the Healing School, Rev. Ray Okocha proceeded to lead the congregation in a time of prayers for the leadership in every nation. He proclaimed peace and the reign of righteousness in ever-increasing glory across the nations.

He pulled a curtain on the segment with these faith-provoking words, “The waters have been stirred. All you have to do is step into it. Wherever you may be, the Healing power of God is already being streamed, connect to it and receive your miracle. This program was organized for you; testify so that we can celebrate with you. This is your set time.”

The service climaxed into a session of testimonies from those who had been healed during previous Live Healing Services. These testifiers were present at the studio to recount their tales of triumph. Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase, a senior minister at the Healing School hosted this segment.  

13-year-old Dorothy’s testimony was one of the stunning stories shared. This young lady swallowed an acidic substance which caused her to suffer from esophageal stricture for 5 years. She was unable to eat solids and could only take in liquids in little measure. Several medical procedures carried out to save her proved abortive. Her moment of bliss came as Pastor Chris prayed for children around the world during the November Live Healing Services. Now she can eat and move around freely!

Esther Asuquo also testified of her healing from stage 4 kidney cancer. This lady’s misery commenced with a stomach ache in 2020, which the doctors diagnosed as kidney stones. Esther was deprived of her once beautiful life as she was unable to walk, stand or even eat. Desperate and hopeless, she registered for the Live Healing Services, where she participated and got healed!

In wrapping up the live testifiers’ segment, Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase shared these words, “Tonight is the night it’s a complete showdown, and sickness has no power. It's a night you don't accept a no for an answer. It's a night of destiny; a night to look beyond the condition. It's a night to fix your attention on God's word, and thoughts to change your condition.”

What followed was a glamorous time of worship with the Loveworld Singers leading the global audience. It was during this soul-lifting moment that the man of God, Pastor Chris arrived at the studio.

His teaching during the service was absolutely spectacular, transforming all who listened to a higher dimension of Christian living as he concluded the teaching on the special life in Christ.

Pastor Chris also mentioned the importance of the Holy Spirit in living the Christ-life, he said, “It takes the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and give you spiritual understanding. You must have the Holy Spirit to understand the Word of God. Otherwise, your interpretation of this life will be so mundane.”

He explained how, “Many have suffered for so long because they are looking to natural sources to help them.” While on the other hand, “man is a spirit and man’s basic problems are spiritual; and natural forces and helpers are bound to fail in providing a solution to these problems.”

“The Word of God is like a mirror and when you look in the mirror, keep the image of you that you see. Keep that image in your mind, it will put springs in your legs.” Pastor Chris urged everyone to prioritize the Word of God in their lives. This he said, has the power to make a person successful irrespective of physical factors.

“It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, you’re going to experience a sudden transformation,” these were his final words as he advanced to the healing line.

The man of God ministered to the sick on both the physical and virtual healing lines. Distance was not in any way a restricting factor; the power of God moves like lightning!

Can cancer be healed without chemotherapy? Can cancer go away forever? Can Stage 4 cancer be cured? Yes, yes and yes! The healing power of God has no limitations. Many bound by cancer recorded instant miracles. They found themselves doing what was previously impossible as Pastor Chris declared them free. They will be back with their new medical reports to testify!

It was a precious sight to behold, watching people remove braces, leap from stretchers and shed tears of joy.

The joy was truly indescribable as the hand of God’s angel brought healing to many.

Rosy from Germany had suffered a heart condition that left her unable to bend, move or walk. While Pastor Chris stretched his hand in prayer for the sick, she felt a hand touch her heart and that was it! She became whole.

A young boy who had been in a coma for 3 weeks due to severe liver damage awakened in the course of the service!  

Hospital wards were vacated as the patients were touched by the hand of God! These are all a fraction of what was witnessed.

What a weekend of miracles as God’s beauty radiated on the  young and old in every nation!  The testimonies have been pouring in and you can still share yours here:

The Global Miracle Faith Seminar  will take place on Healing Streams TV and the Healing School Mobile App on Saturday, 15 April 2023 @ 12 p.m. (GMT+1). The Lord has done marvelous things and it’s time to celebrate!

Stay tuned for more updates!


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