MONDAY 17th - SUNDAY 30th MARCH 2025 (2PM GMT+1)

Share your testimonies with us and
inspire faith in billions around the world!

“Dear Sir/ Madam, I have been healed from my head to my toe. Glory! Hallelujah. Testimony Ability”

Testimony Ability United Kingdom

“I have had stomach pain for 2 years now and I even did a surgery for appendicitis and yet the pain continued, but today the pain is gone completely, all thanks to God.”

Emmanuel Bright Nigeria

“Glory be to God. I have suffered great pain in my muscles for about 4 years now which the doctor said it was Fibromyalgia. Also, I sufferred terrible back pain for over 10 years worse in the right side and severe pain in my left buttock for 5 years. My body was in disarray with the suffering. Well this March HSLHS with our Man of God, I so believed more than I ever did since HSLHS started. My back is improving every day. I used to feelmy arm muscles literally aching when I carried a small item even 2 kg. I had to keep on swaping arms on my way from the shop to the car. Well, today, 26 March 2023, I walked to the shops about 2 km away and bought groceties more than 2 kg weight. I was swapping,arms not because of pain. I am sittibg now I do not feel the fatigue and the excerbation of pain I used to feel. I had saith "Father, I will testify of your goodness" Indeed I am healed, fully restored to my former glory. Thank you pastor sir for, answering the call. Because of you I am healed!!. Glory!! Greater testimonies are coming. God bless you.”

Bongai Duma Australia

“Praise God forevermore!!!! I received my healing in the just concluded HSLHS with our dear Man of God. I was diagnosed with Lumbosacral Spine in 2021, I was actually managing the situation knowing it's doesn't have any medical cure. Although, it wasn't an easy walk. I continued speaking words to my body and I started carrying out the exercises advised by the specialist. As this year's HSLHS with Pastor was announced, I quickly registered and was anticipating with Joy in my heart because I know my healing has come. Immediately our Man started praying on day 2, I placed my hands around about my body as Pastor prayed. I thanked the Lord for my healing and I slept off after the close of the program. When I woke up the next day, I realized I no longer feel the pain. So, I immediately started doing the things I couldn't do before, like bending, sitting for a long period, etc. Our God is gracious and kind! My healing is perfected in Jesus Name. Glory!!!!!! I want to Thank our Dear Man of God for answering to the call of the Healing Ministry. I'm alive!!!!!”

Blessing Omomia Nigeria

“Beatrice Okatahi from Abuja Nigeria It all started in year 2021 when I was about to give birth to my first child, contraction started for 2days but the labour didn't progress and then the doctor told me my blood pressure is now very high which they tried to stabilise, after that due to stress on the baby it resulted to emergency CS. After a successful operation I was put on medication and checked often because the blood pressure was still high then I was discharged. After 1month still on medication I woke up one morning feeling serious pain in my heart and headache, it continued like that for 2days so I had to go the hospital on getting there the doctor told me I will have to run some test and from his own observations it might be heart issue. I did scan and was told my heart is perfect. I went back to the hospital with the scan result but the doctor had to increase the dosage of drugs because my blood pressure was too high according to him. That night when I got home took the medication and slept only to wake up and my heart was pounding seriously that I could hear my heartbeat. I complained the next day to the doctor but he said I have to continue the medication. It continued like that to sleepless night, headache,not being able to breathe well so I went to seek help from another doctor who placed me on another medication but it even worsen the condition because I started hearing sounds from my head like it want to fall off so I started acting my faith and I stopped part of the medication after the healing streams October 2021 . In November 2021 again my blood pressure became very high that the doctor had to place me again on several medications and said that I might have to live on medication. It continued like that with several side effect of the drugs that I will start seeing myself in the hospital but I kept on declaring words and believing in God for my healing, listening to pastor messages and it strengthen my faith for my healing in the March 2023 edition The March 2023 healing streams live healing service with Pastor Chris I was determined for my Miracle and yes it happen glory to God..I registered and started inviting people to register and and attend in my center but even before the program there was this joy in me so after the first day in my healing center when Pastor Prayed for everyone I took my healing and went home with so much excitement and told my husband that I am no using medication that night. That night I slept well with no headache or my irregular heartbeat. The remaining 2days of the program I didn't use medication and I was perfectly okay. God did it for me, it was my set time, I am so excited. Thank you Pastor sir”

Beatrice Okatahi Nigeria

“ I used to have stomach ulcer, severe sharp stomach pains, constipation and haemorrhoids. I am healed now and I can pass stool easily now without pain. I have been delivered from spiritual attacks during my sleeps and insomnia. I sleep very well now like never ever before. I have been healed from depression and anxiety. My heart is so filled with Hope and the Joy of the Lord God. The tingling and drumming in my left ear when I listen to sounds from my phone has stopped. Glory to God! A tooth ache that has plagued me for weeks have stopped. I have eaten through out today, forgetting about it completely until now. My left shoulder hurt me since whenever I carried any heavy item with any of my hands since I was a teenager but now I have been healed. I carried some nags today and I felt no pains Glory to God. My knee joints hurt suddenly last week but now, no single pains in any of them. I am totally freed from joint pains. Hallelujah!!!”

Dena Edenojie United Kingdom

“My stepdaughter was diagnosed of severe lung disease. She was breathless even when lying down; she could not even walk for five meters without gasping for breath. She got healed when I asked her to place the healing to the nations magazine on her chest. The magazine was given to her by someone from CE Ghana. She is now healed. No more shortness of breath, and she can walk long distances. Glory to God. Thank you Pastor Chris. Vivian ”

Vivian Wilson United Kingdom

“I began experiencing strange symptoms in early September 2022. I saw my doctor who conducted blood pressure check and discovered it was severely elevated. I was monitored for 2 weeks and it continued to be elevated with no medical reason or cause. I was placed on medications which didn’t work but gave debilitating side effects. The November 22 healing stream announcement was made and I eagerly and happily waited in anticipation. After the program I knew something had happened to my body., especially when the man of God said the demons that troubled families were fleeing. Today I don’t take high blood pressure medication as it has normalised to God’s Glory. Thank you Pastor Chris for availing yourself to be used by God in such a mighty way sir. I am eternally grateful sir. ”

Bukola Ugbo United Kingdom

“Glory to God I'm healed of 10 years chronic legs ulcers due to sickle cell disease praise God my testimonies are so many cause I feel a complete difference in every aspect of my life and more stronger than before. Thanks to our Man Of God pastor Chris God will continue to keep you sir words are not enough to say thanks sir but may God continuously bless you richly. It started November session of the healing streams where I took part washing at home. Praise God. I have so much to testify about.”

Kwandong Bertrand Cameroon

“Praise the Lord! I got healed of a heart condition when i participated in the 2021 March healing streams live healing services with Pastor Chris! And it was confirmed when i got scans, the doctor said my heart's function has improved. I'm forever walking in perfect and divine health, Glory!”

Vimbainashe Makwangudze Zimbabwe

“I bless God for perfecting my health. I can now eat all the things I could not eat before due to pains and difficulty breathing and uneasiness anytime I eat certain foods. All the ulcers are cleared. And now I can live a normal life. My body is building up now increasing in stature and beauty. I thank God for the miracle. I also thank God for directing the course of my life and destiny. Thank you pastor Chris, I love you dear man of God. ”

Williams Darko Ghana

“My daughter Mbali Lushaba 13 got burnt on the 18th of February and was addmitted in Hospital for two weeks. She was discharged and went back home after the two weeks. We were given days to attend hospital so that the doctors can monitor her wounds and change bandages. After another week the doctors suggested to readdmit her so that they can perform a skin grafting. Me and the mother were are against the idea of skin grafting. The same week it was Healing Streams Live so I asked the doctor if she can come home with us so that she can go to school to write her exams although the whole idea was to make sure that she attends the healing streams live. After the Healing Streams live she is completely healed and no doctor is ever speaking of the skin grafting anymore. Thank you pastor Chris for my child is now back to her normal life.”

Josiah Chinga South Africa

“Firstly I would like to thank my heavenly father for his grace and thank my man of God pastor Chris for this wonderful platform. I'm a 35 years old lady I've been suffering with epilepsy since 2006. During the last Healing Stream Live Service I have made up my mind and I received my healing praise God I stopped taking pills and I'm doing my confession every day I haven't had a seizure glory to go I'm healed. ”

Sylvia Shaanika Namibia

“Shallom, God's family. My name is Sara, G I am from Edmonton Canada I joined on the live Healing Stream program 18-20 march for 3days. I was in early menopause for 4 years after Healing Stream one week later my period started again. I praise the Almighty God. Glory!!! With God all things are all possible. Thank you Pastor Chris, May the Lord flourish and shower His blessings on you. God bless u all.”

Sara Ghebregziabher Canada

“Praise God, I am Rollings Nwaudoh Ugbari from portharcourt, rivers state. I want to testify Gods goodness and healing upon my life...since 2019 I develop hottness in my chest after eaten any food, and it became worst by the day, after some medical consultations, I noticed that it was ulcer, I have treated it with both herbal and foreign drugs,the pains was there still, during the healing streams of march 2022, I attended the program at CEC PHC zone 2, and each time the man of God prayed for viewers watching from any center, he mentioned my case from the first day of the program till last day , during that period, I was suffering from hottness of the chest.. But after pastor prayed, I noticed that the pains had gone, and I said to my self that I will observe for a week.. To God be the glory , I am healed from ulcer, I eat what I want to eat now.. Praise God for using pastor Chris to heal me from chronic ulcer..”

Rollingsnwaudoh Ugbari Nigeria

“Greetings, i would like to thank Pastor Chris for the Healing Streams Programs. I have been suffering from pain under my left breast for almost 2 years. I tried different ways to alleviate the pain such as using a hot water bottle and ointments but to no available. I decided to register for October 2021 Healing Streams with Pastor Chris after watching others receive their healing during the July 2021 Healing Streams. I received my healing after Pastor Chris told the viewers to touch where they were feeling pain, i touched under my left breast and he prayed for us, the pain left instantly. Halelluyah! ”

Boikanyo Gobuamang Botswana

“I'm Antoinette for CE Accra Ghana zone and by God's grace I have been healed from seizures. God is so gracious and kind. And I thank God for our Man of God Pastor Chris ”

Antoinette Napour Ghana

“I'm grateful to God for healing me from smelly vaginal discharge after putting to birth. It was more than the stipulated time for my delivery stitches to get dried but after about eight weeks after delivery my vagina still bled. Apart from the bleeding, it came with an unpleasant smell but on the second day of the Healing Stream the October edition as Pastor Chris prayed for the global audience he kept mentioning "I command those wounds to dry up with which claimed my healing with an Amen! Immediately I believed I was healed. The bleeding ceased, the odour gone even the excessive farting disappeared. I am grateful to God for using His servant Pastor Chris to bring healing and vitality to me. I am grateful Pastor Chris for allowing God to bless many including myself. God bless you abundantly ♥️”

Zitabel Tume Cameroon

“I would like to thank the Man of God Pastor Chris for listening to God and doing God's work. My sister's little baby girl had big pimples on her head and neck. They were painful and the baby couldn't sleep she was crying and Boom we heard about the Healing Steams and when Pastor said we should lay our hands on our loved ones who are sick, we did and the following day we noticed the are no trace of the painful pimples, the baby is healed . Thank you Lord Jesus you r the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.”

Lerato Damane South Africa

“I got healed! I was struggling with my breath I watch a prayer video form the Healing Streams and received my healing. Glory”

David DeOliveira Germany

“PRAISE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH!!! Good morning Pastor Sir. Thank you Sir, for touching lives through your ministration all around the world. My testimony: On Saturday 13th of November, 2021, I went for my antenatal, and I was asked to do OGTTS (Oral Glucose Test), and the result shows sugar level was very high, which the doctor said that I need to be admitted urgently. (I was surprised because my pregnancy is 36 weeks pregnancy gone) But that day, I refused them to admit me. I told them I will get back to them. When I got home, I had to replay the just concluded October Healing Stream Live Service with Pastor Chris from Day 1 to Day 3 consistently till on Wednesday 17th November 2021 and i sowed a seed to connect my faith with my man of God , and as i laid my hands on the test result I commanded it to be normal, and kept on confessing the word of God to my body. That Wednesday, I had to quickly go for another test on OGTT in another hospital and lo and behold the test read NORMAL. every case has been reversed. As i took the report to the gynecologist, they refused to accept it, because they saw a huge difference. but I insisted that this is my current report,. they requested for me to do it again in their hospital. which I did again and the test result still show sugar level NORMAL. I AM PERFECTLY HEALED. Thank you Jesus Glory be to God. I love you pastor”

Henrietta Joels Nigeria

“Blessed Eening Sir/Ma Thank you for the opportunity to share my testimony. For the pass 2 years or so, I had been experiencing numbness on my left hand side, on my hands and legs, headaches and chest pain and as a result I had been to many doctors who could not diagnose what the issue was...And eventually sometime last year, after running some tests, the Dr (neurosurgeon) said I had what he called degeneration on the neck which was causing the nerves to be pressurized and he recommended that I undergo surgery. I thank God that being a child of God, from that day I decided to believe the report of the Lord instead and I held on to my faith. So, on the last day of the Healing Streams, I was on duty at my church and when Pastor was praying for everyone watching from home, he mentioned the importance of testifying and that by giving our testimonies, we also receive our miracles by faith.I just felt something happening on my neck immediately because I received with my Spirit what Pastor had said. And since that day, I give glory yo God because I have been completely healed and not experienced not a single symptom of ever since. I'm truly grateful to God for bringing me this healing through our Man of God. Thank you Pastor Chris, I love you so dearly ”

Lerato Setati South Africa

“I menstruated last in March 2021 and since then, I haven't seen my menses again. So after my participation at the healing streams on Saturday, 30th Oct 2021, I woke up in the morning on Sunday to bath and prepare to go for church service and while in the bathroom, I discovered that I was menstruating already. Glory to God forever. Thank you dear Pastor Chris. I love you. God bless you richly!”

Joyce Ahmadu Nigeria

“I would like to Thank my Pastor, Pastor Chris. My Zonal Pastor Ruth Musarurwa and my Teens Pastor, Pastor Tinofara Mtuwa for the life changing teachings and guidance I will always be Grateful I used to have barometric Pressure Headaches that occurred every time the weather changed to being moist and rainy and it would stay until the weather changes again Then I attended the Healing streams online from the first day....and that first day I felt some change already. It was power packed and I received so much two days down the line the weather changed and I had no headache nothing bothered me and I kept noticing this every time the weather changed. I'm really grateful to Pastor Chris for the Healing Streams platform.”

RopafadzoAgnella Chimedza Zimbabwe
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