“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man” (Colossians 4:6).

God's grace on your life is the outworking or outward reflection of an inward divine influence: the beauty, power, perfection, excellence, virtue, and glory of divinity in your spirit. It is that divine influence and endowment that beautifies your spirit and saturates your life with favor, acceptability, liberality, advantage, joy, pleasure, and supernatural gift or ability.

You must let the grace of God in you show in the words that you speak – words of love and power – and in the manifestation of the Spirit in your life. You're God's representative and as such, you must choose your words. Let your words be full of faith and power that would impact grace to the hearers. Always be conscious of the fact that your words are impregnated with power to cause what you speak to happen.

We need to have the spirit of grace, especially in the days of celebration. There will always be special days, set apart to remember or celebrate an event in our lives. It could be a birthday, wedding day, graduation day, birth of a child, the start of a business or a holiday. Whatever the case, they should be days set aside to thank God.

At such times, you expect to receive family, friends and well-wishers, but as much as special days of celebration are supposed to be happy days, they could be filled with upsets when the celebrant lacks the grace to forgive. After such celebrations, people may lose their friends when they measure their worth by the attendance of people rather than by the presence of God.

Such special days are expected to be celebrated with the spirit of grace, a heart of thanksgiving and appreciation, and by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, much more than with people. Do not place your hopes and expectations on friends. Instead, lead a life of unconditional grace. If you want to live a life of celebration, you will only succeed by overlooking the shortcomings of others and being willing to forgive.

Let everyone who comes in contact with you recognize the grace of God in your heart by your manner of life and words; it should be palpable that His love reigns in your heart.

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