Day 2 of the July 2023 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is best defined as indescribable. The presence of the Lord saturated the atmosphere throughout the service. Supernatural visitations took place and millions experienced visible expressions of the invincible God.  

Over in Israel, someone who had been diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure 16 years ago got healed! She had been unable to pass urine for 16 years, but everything is history as she received a miracle!

Eva who experienced dizziness and faint spells as a result of vertigo was miraculously healed! This happened as her family followed the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chris had asked people to lay hands on their loved ones in need of healing during the service. This woman’s children laid hands on her and prayed; suddenly the symptoms disappeared.  

The man of God, Pastor Chris, gave a beautiful ministration on Jesus and the marvelous things he represents. He described Jesus as God’s Word made flesh (John 1:1) and the unveiling of the Father’s heart.  

Speaking on the plans of God for his children, Pastor Chris stated, “The best of your thoughts, wishes, and hopes can't compare to God's plan and purpose for your life. He will always beat your dreams. He will always do better than what you could wish for.”

As he ministered the Word, Pastor Chris reiterated God’s desire for all to be whole and healthy, “The best of all is God with us. That’s the Master’s message to you because he loves you. Now we can trust him and expect to be healed because he gave authority to us over sickness, disease and infirmity.” Truly, that was the testament as he ministered to the sick in the auditorium, others on the virtual healing line, and the global audience.

The testimonies were astonishing! Devils were cast out in the name of Jesus Christ! Mental health issues, sight complications, walking difficulties, organ failures, and despicable disorders were all cured!

At the beginning of the service, Pastor Deola Phillips, Director of the Healing School, joyfully welcomed everyone to the service. Speaking on the uniqueness of the divine program she averred that “The Healing Streams is one particular program where healing miracles start from the very beginning. Every moment is your moment. Don’t miss a single part of this program” Indeed, these prophetic words came to life. As an influx of miracles and blessings abounded everywhere.

Electrifying worship sessions took place at different times in the course of the service led by the amazing Loveworld Singers and tales of triumph stirred up faith in the audience as they prepared to receive their miracles. Esteemed Evangelist Dr. Eddy Owase welcomed 5 testifiers to share their stories live.  

For the greater part of his life, Juan lived with a leg discrepancy. This caused discomfort and severe aches. Physical activities became tedious. Inspired by someone’s testimony Juan took a picture of his leg expectant for a miracle. As he participated, Juan was enraptured in the service following every spiritual instruction. As a result of his great faith, Juan’s leg grew out, and ever since, no more pains or abnormalities!

Marie came from Mauritius to share her testimony with the world. When she was 9 years old, Marie suffered a home accident that damaged her right ear. For several years, she was unable to hear with her right ear. This was an uncomfortable 38-year-long situation that affected her relationship with her family and friends. Marie's predicament changed during the March 2023 Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. When the man of God prayed for deaf ears to be opened, she received a miracle!  

Before the live testifiers came up, there was a special panel discussion by senior ministers of the Healing School. The highly esteemed Rev. Tom Amenkhienan and highly esteemed Rev. Ray Okocha joined the Healing School Director, Pastor Deola Phillips on set. They spoke on their reflections and the impact of Day 1 of the Live Healing Services and read out a few testimonies received so far from several countries such as Venezuela, Germany, Suriname, Mongolia, China, India, and more.  

As he shared his reflections, Rev. Tom described the Healing Streams as, “God’s outstretched arm of love to the world not only for the sick. It brings the blessings of God.”

A striking testimony highlighted was Oliviana from Venezuela, who had breast cancer. Right after Pastor Chris ministered at the service, she got healed, the pain ceased, swellings on her neck, and all symptoms of the ailment disappeared completely.  

Over in Germany, Peter was healed of severe weakness and dizziness. These feelings rendered him bedridden. Peter connected to the Live Healing Service and received his healing. He got up and was full of life!

Rev. Ray urged participants to share their testimony he referred to the Bible story of the woman with the issue of blood. This woman was healed after touching Jesus, but Jesus singled her out to make her whole. He said, “Giving your testimonies gives complete wholeness. Your testimonies will bring that wholeness into your life.”

Day 1 was great, Day 2 greater and Day 3 is sure to be the GREATEST! Don’t forget, the healing streams never stop flowing. There’s no condition too difficult for the Lord.

We look forward to celebrating with you; send your testimonies today to:   

You can also watch the rebroadcast of the services on Healing Streams TV. For further information, please send an email to [email protected] or call centers these numbers: +27799675852 (South Africa), +234(1)8885066 (Nigeria), +18327249390 (USA), +12896221634 (Canada), +44(0)3331880710 (UK), +919650096633 (Asia), +917794993762 (India).

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