FRIDAY 25 - SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2024 (12 PM GMT+1)


The Global Miracle Faith Seminar (GMFS) which was held on Saturday, April 23 was a most divine time of fellowship ushering a beautiful opportunity to specially commemorate the awesome miracles from the March Healing Streams Live Healing Services, as well as a time inspiration by the Word. This special event recorded participation from various locations across the globe, in virtual and on-site healing centers.

Effusive sessions of praise and thanksgiving to God led by Loveworld Singers set the tone for what would be an impactful time in the presence of the Lord.

Following was an opening prayer by the esteemed Pastor Dave Ogbaka. He led the teaming global congregation in thanking God for the blessings anticipated at the program and interviewed a few participants who shared their expectations for the GMFS.

Plunging the program into a session of victory reports, Pastor Dave anchored a panel of testifiers in a segment that engaged the global participants as they shared their indelible experiences with the power of God at past editions of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. One of them was 46-year-old Miroslav Simjanoski who had been suffering from a combination of conditions that left him disabled. He was diagnosed with heart failure, had a stroke, and after having cholecystectomy in 2021, was unable to breathe normally or walk up the stairs. Sharing his joy from the healing streams, “Now, I’m free and I don’t need a pacemaker,” he exclaimed excitedly.  

Healed of leg ulcer, Rita Moyo testified: “I returned to my office after I got healed and my manager shouted, ‘This is a miracle!’ He didn’t believe the miracles he saw on TV were real. He followed me to church afterward and received salvation”.

The esteemed Reverend Ray Okocha, a senior minister of the Healing School, went on to exhort on the significance of the triumphant life in Christ, referencing from the Scripture in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place”. Charging the congregation heartily, he said: “The only reason we can triumph always is because we have the triumphant life. You did not receive religion; you received life. This life is in you, and it flows inside out, and it is affecting your body. It doesn’t matter what your body may be faced with; you have this life in you.”  

Next, he interceded for everyone who needed divine healing in their bodies, addressing every manner of infirmities and diseases in the Name of Jesus. The result was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit all over the world, changing and blessing lives, with testimonies following.  

Mxibisi from South Africa: “Seven months ago, I was diagnosed with intestinal cancerous tumors in my lower abdomen. I was watching the program at the hospital. When Rev. Ray was preaching, I felt a warm sensation and I vomited immediately.  Later on, the doctor called me in and checked me, and I was told that the tumors had disappeared. I’m healed completely. Thank you, Jesus!”

Beatrice from the United Kingdom: “God has healed me. I was suffering from migraine and dizziness. I could not work for the past 4 weeks. Now, I’m healed and I have booked an appointment for work tomorrow. The migraine has suddenly gone. Glory to God!”

Truly, it was a manifestation of the supernatural that changed the course of many lives and indeed a celebration of wondrous miracles.  

To send in your testimonies from the Global Miracle Faith Seminar, send an email to [email protected] or upload via  

Stay tuned to this website for more inspiring updates from the Healing School.  


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