“It doesn't matter what arguments, theories, reasonings or school of thought that they come from, with our weapons we can destroy their foolish ideas.” Pastor Chris declared as he taught Christians around the world on their weapons of war. In order to vividly explain this teaching, he read the story of Paul and Silas. These men praised their way out of prison without fear.  

Pastor Chris went on to share 4 reasons for speaking in tongues: prophetic revelation, praise, intercession and incantation.  

He described prophetic revelation as God inspiring the spirit and stirring up the Word during prayer. When one receives the direction of the prayer and the Holy Spirit brings up Scriptures within the person's spirit. All that happens while speaking in tongues. It's called Prophetic Revelation.  

Another thing that could be taking place at that time of speaking in tongues is praise. “A lot of your tongues can be words of praise coming through your spirit. And from time to time you can have the interpretation of those words,” Pastor Chris explained.  

Thirdly, some of those tongues will come as intercession; praying for someone or a group or your country or city or the church, in other words praying for others. A lot of times, when it's intercession, it can go from speaking in tongues into deep sighs like groaning or crying.  

The fourth one, is where one actually makes things happen. Pastor Chris further describes, “The three talked about are all very important, but you address the Lord in all of this. In this other one, we call it Incantations. Incantations of the Holy Ghost are words or sounds that come through you in the spirit.” They are coded sounds or conjurations that come through your spirit often repeatedly. When these incantations are released, they summon forces, making things happen in the realm of the spirit because they are codes.  

These are just snippets of the teaching of the man of God, Pastor Chris at the 13th edition of Global Day of Prayer which held in the month of April, 2023. This event aired live on Healing Streams TV, Healing School Mobile App and all Loveworld Networks.  

The teachings shared above are a recap of the opening session led by Pastor Chris before the program progressed to prayer sessions led by other Ministers of the Gospel. The global evangelist, Pastor Benny Hinn was one of the profound men of God who anchored a session during this 24-hour prayer day. In his brief exhortation, he urged Christians around the world to avoid a ‘prayerless’ life. He said, “Prayer and its importance needs to be in front of us continually. Don’t neglect prayer.”  

He also encouraged those watching to seek the Lord till he comes and reigns righteousness and blessing upon their lives. Reading from the Scriptures, he highlighted that when one seeks the Lord it pleases the Lord.  

What ensued were over 20 sessions of prayers led by different servants of God around the world. Prayers were offered for children, youths, leaders, nations, authorities, Christians and the spread of the Gospel.  

Saints around the world have become accustomed to this quarterly exercise and the participation was truly remarkable.  

It was a memorable time in God’s presence, over 24 hours of living in an atmosphere of glory. The beautiful thing about prayer is that God heard us and he answered. Changes are being recorded around the world following this event.  

Truly, many priests were in office that day exercising their rights and, mandates in Christ! As they aligned the nations of the earth for God’s favour and mercy through prayer.  

Praying doesn’t stop; it’s a continuous responsibility of every Christian. The ongoing 1 Million Prayer Clouds is an avenue for endless prayers. The Prayer Clouds avails you the opportunity to wrought the supernatural. It’s a platform where clouds of prayers and prophecies are being filled up.  

Ready to get started?  

• Go to and log on to your virtual center or create your virtual center and get your unique virtual center link.  

• Set a time for the prayer, and send your unique link to invitees, friends, and family, asking them to join you.  

• Once logged in, select the “Join the Prayer Cloud” button and enable the camera to activate your prayer cloud video conference.  

• The prayer sessions should be video conferences of about 15 minutes or more.  

What a glorious opportunity to keep fulfilling you priestly role as you make divine utterances in prayer.  

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming programs!

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