A Sublime Manifestation of Divine Life at Day 2 of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pa

After a first session that had far outstripped all expectations, one could tell that the second day would be something special. As he closed the service on the first day, the man of God, Pastor Chris, remarked that the miracles would continue. In the hours leading up to the start of this second session, it was just as he said; testimonies zipped along the phone lines and over the internet, raising shouts of joy in every corner of the globe.

At 6 pm (GMT+1), the service began with a session of songs led by the incomparable Loveworld Singers. All over the world, people sang along, hands lifted high to the God who does great wonders.

Opening the service, the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, led the people in prayer for the sick and the hurting of all ages and from all walks of life. As she prayed, she declared, "Yes, today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of their healing. Today is the day of change." Having thus prayed, she charged everyone watching to gather the people around them and get them to participate because this was to be a service like no other.

For the next segment, Pastor Deola was joined by Reverend Tom Amenkhienan and Reverend Ray Okocha – senior ministers of the Healing School – and they had testimonies aplenty to share from the first day.  

Reverend Ray went first and he declared that the prophecy in Jeremiah 30:17 where the Lord said, "I will restore your health..." was being fulfilled right before the eyes of everyone watching. He shared the testimony of a young Egyptian man in Germany who had been restricted to a wheelchair for two years and had been in a healing center on the first night. He reached out and touched the screen, got out of his chair, and began to walk.

There was the testimony of Matilda from Zambia. She was diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure and she was unable to even get out of bed. But even before Pastor Chris showed up on the first day, she got up and began to run, full of divine energy.

To people all over the world who needed healing, Reverend Ray said, "These testimonies should spark up faith in you. The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus' garment, and He didn't know she was there until she did! The man of God doesn't have to touch you; the power of God is right where you are."

The esteemed Reverend Tom also had a message for those waiting to receive their miracles: "Don't think to yourself that you don't have faith. The very fact that you connected is proof that you have faith. Don't think your faith is small; Jesus said if your faith is even the size of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain with it."

Next was a lineup of testimonies in a segment anchored by Evangelist Dr Eddy Owase, also a senior minister of the Healing School.

First up was Uzoamaka. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2021 and it was not responding to treatment. She had lost her eldest brother to cancer 4 years prior, so her family was distraught at the news. In October, Pastor Chris ministered the healing power of God to her. She went back to the doctors, and after a scan, her doctor spent more than an hour going over the test results in amazement. She is completely cancer-free!

In 2006, Robehi was helping a colleague lift a tire rim when he felt a very sharp pain in his lower back. Instead of going away, the pain intensified to the point where he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a herniated lumbar disc. He lived with this debilitating condition for 15 years until God answered his prayers with the announcement of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services. Pastor Chris called his case up and told him to bend over backward, and he realized that his spine was healed.

Closing the segment, Evangelist Eddy said to everyone expecting a miracle, "Now it's your moment. The hour has come, the power of God is with you right now, so get ready to receive."

Truly, it was the moment they had been waiting for, you could tell that this moment was something special, something never before seen. Pastor Chris arrived and began to minister to the sick. Demons fled, oppression ceased, and death was conquered in a divine tour de force.

Pastor Chris proceeded to teach about Jesus and the purpose of His coming. He showed from the Scriptures that, “First, He came to destroy the work of the devil. Secondly, He came to give you life. The tenth verse of John chapter 10 says Jesus came to give you life in abundance. What that means is that divine life in you overflows until you bring life to others as well.” Then, he asked, "Have you received this life?" And in all the nations of the world, people received that life as Pastor Chris led them in the prayer of salvation.

We have one more session to go, and it will eclipse everything that has gone before. Tonight’s session starts earlier because there’s so much more to receive. Join Day 3 of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris at 4:30 pm (GMT+1).

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