“Prayer is not man’s idea but God’s idea and the reason he wants us to pray is because He wants to answer. He knows that it works. He told us to do it. It gives Him the right to do what He would not do if you did not pray. So, it is our responsibility to pray”~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Prayer is a communication with God, it's a fellowship with God. Prayer is basically a channel through which a man communicates with his God; thereby, establishing a strong relationship with the Almighty God.

Through prayers, a person conveys their mind, feelings, emotions, and inadequacies while God communicates answers.

“Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV). Prayer holds an important place in the Christian life. As Pastor Chris rightly said, it is the responsibility of a Christian to pray.  

In the Bible, Jesus specially took out time to teach his disciples how to pray. Prayer strengthens man’s relationship with God, the Holy Spirit also reveals deeper insights in times of prayer. The benefits of prayer are inexhaustible.  

On countless occasions, Jesus isolated himself just to pray to our Father in Heaven. The answers to His prayers are evident even to this day, which is another inspiring part of prayer; the answers received.

The Bible records prophets, priests, kings, apostles, and many individuals who brought forth a matter to the Lord in prayer and received answers. Till date, men, women, and children pray and see the Lord answer in tremendous ways. The beauty of prayer is most definitely in the answers.  

Is there something you’re trusting the Lord Jesus for? Is there a desire in your heart for your life or that of a loved one? Are you just hungry for a prayer life? Do you have an expectation for the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris?

The 1 Million Prayer Clouds avails an opportunity to wrought the supernatural. It’s a platform where clouds of prayers and prophecies are being filled up in preparation for the November Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

These prayer sessions are open to be held as one individual, groups, families, friends, colleagues, or even fellowships. Each participating Virtual Center represents a prayer cloud.  

By hosting prayer sessions and inviting others to do the same, the number of prayer clouds gathering will continue to increase; until 1 million and more prayer clouds have been hosted around the world.

Prayer guides are also available on the platform to direct the course of the prayer. These prayer guides include a Scripture verse along with a prayer point following.  Using these prayer guides, you can set apart a conducive time or times of prayer in your Virtual Center.  With this, your Virtual Center becomes a Prayer Cloud!

Imagine 1 million clouds in the atmosphere filled with prayers of the saints. Prayers for healing to the nations and people of the nations, prayer for change, prayer for divine health, and much more. Even better, picture those clouds emptying themselves upon the earth! Oh, what streams floods and landslide victories.

Remember, “When we pray, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. It helps us come into the fullness of Spirit. When people come together, we pray for victory together. Prayer helps us win victories” ~ Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Hosting a Prayer Cloud is a way to prepare for the upcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services. The steps toward hosting a Prayer Cloud are outlined and  simplified below:

  • Pick at least a 15-minute prayer slot
  • Visit to create your virtual center or log in to your virtual center
  • Using your virtual center link, invite your sphere of contact to join your prayer session
  • Log in to your virtual center 5 minutes before your prayer time
  • Click the “Join Prayer Cloud Button”
  • Turn on your microphone and also video, so your guests can see and hear you
  • Use the prayer guide available on the platform to pray during your prayer session
  • Take screenshots and video recordings of yourself participating
  • Request screenshots and video recordings from your guests
  • Post on KingsChat using the following hashtags: #onemillionprayerclouds, #prayingnow, #yourcity & #yourcountry

With this, you’re ready to fill your clouds with prayer, prophecies, testimonies, and divine healing ahead of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services!

Get ready to saturate the earth with your prayers. Get ready to come into the fullness of the Spirit. 1 Million Prayer Clouds is a goal because of YOU! 

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