The famous green and red fruit is a lot of things to a lot of people. Ordinarily, it passes as just a tasty fruit for a hot summer day, when blended and strained, it passes as a delightful fruit drink, and it can also be chopped up and served with other fruits, as a part of a delectable fruit salad.  

However, have you ever wondered; “what does it do?” “Why should I eat it?” “What’s its use in my body?” Well, stick around to find out.

Here are some reasons why you should eat Watermelons, and why they should be a key part of your diet.

1. It keeps you hydrated:  

Staying hydrated is important for your body to function. The regulation of your body temperature, normal function of your organs, and other bodily processes rely heavily on proper hydration. Therefore, it is advisable to eat food with high water content to give your body the water it needs to function properly.

Watermelon comprises 92% water, making it a great choice for daily water intake, whether taken as a juice or eaten straightway as fruit.


2. It keeps your skin healthy:  

Watermelon is rich in vitamins A and C; nutrients that are important for skin health. Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, which in turn keeps your skin smooth and taut, and vitamin A helps create and repair skin cells.  A higher intake of Watermelon may reduce your chances of developing wrinkles and dry skin.  


3. It’s great for your nervous system:  

Your nervous system is your body’s command center. Potassium, zinc, and magnesium, which are all necessary for maintaining a healthy nervous system are nutrients that are found heavily in watermelon, most especially in the seeds.  


4. It helps regulate weight and improves digestion:  

Due to its high-water content, the watermelon has a low-calorie density, containing just 46 per cup (152 grams). Eating foods with low-calorie content, such as watermelon, may aid weight management by keeping you feeling full for longer.  

The high fiber content helps keep your bowel movement regular, while the water moves waste through your digestive tract more efficiently, hence resulting in quick digestion and fast metabolism. This, in turn, aids with weight regulation.  


5. It helps keep your heart healthy:  

Watermelon contains lycopene, which some studies have shown, helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as prevents oxidative damage caused by high cholesterol levels. The tasty fruit is also rich in an amino acid called citrulline, which may increase nitric oxide levels in your body; it helps the blood vessels expand and reduces blood pressure.


6. It prevents inflammation:  

Quick story; a study was carried out on rats who were fed watermelon powder to supplement an unhealthy diet. These rats developed less oxidative stress and lower levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein than those who were fed the normal (unhealthy) diet.

The combination of antioxidants, lycopene and vitamin C in watermelon may help lower inflammation and oxidative damage. This should be considered a good dietary addition for people with obesity and high inflammatory markers.  


7. It helps with sore muscles:  

As earlier stated, citrulline in watermelon helps in the expansion of blood vessels, thereby aiding better blood circulation and helping muscles heal faster after a workout session or strenuous activity.


Watermelon is a tasty, thirsty fruit that many people enjoy – if you don’t already, you should consider it. It provides nutrients to your body, boosts the heart, eye, and skin health; helps with blood flow, and has many other amazing benefits. It is practically a ‘nutrition cocktail’. Get yourself a juicy slice of watermelon today, or a tall glass of watermelon juice and begin enjoying its health benefits.

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