The 3rd edition of the Healing to the Nations Live featured worship sessions, prayers, exhortations, testimonies, special offers, new strategies, great inspirations, overflowing grace, and a celebration of worldwide impact.

 The over 24 hours live event commenced with an opening supersession on the evening of Friday, January 20, 2023. The esteemed CEO of Loveworld Inc., and Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips led a prayer session and welcomed the global audience to the program. She said, “I want to welcome you to this very special program. This is Healing to the Nations Live and in this program, we showcase and celebrate the impact of the Healing to the Nations Mandate that the Lord gave to our man of God, Pastor Chris.”

Reading from the beginning verses in Psalms 67, she delineated the phrase, "healing to the nations." She said, “He (God) has blessed us as partners in this vision so that we will cause his ways to be known in the earth and his healing power will be known among the nations. That is why we are talking about "healing to the nations.”
Pastor Deola went on to appreciate and encourage partners to continue to be relentless in their commitment to taking healing everywhere. She reminded them how vital this is to the Lord Jesus, “Until everyone on earth has experienced the healing power of God, until every city and every nation have been so touched by the glory of God, we won’t stop. Until the Lord comes for a glorious church without spot, without wrinkle, without blemish, without sickness, without any stain, the mandate continues.”

The service progressed with panelists joining her on set to share their inspirations and the impact made through various projects of the Healing School: Volunteer Medical Corps ,  Global Youth Leaders Forum.  Healing Streams TV, Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, and Healing to the Nations Magazine were some of the projects mentioned during the session.
The impact made and opportunities yet available are limitless. In Pakistan, the Healing to the Nations Magazine has transformed lives in large numbers, crossing over into enclosed territories. Partners of the Healing to the Nations Magazine have made the Gospel available in their local dialects.

Through the initiatives of the Volunteer Medical Corps, good deeds are being carried out in the Name of the Lord: blood donations, free medical procedures, distribution of relief materials, trauma care, first aid training, and lots more.
The service climaxed with special talk shows hosted by Pastors around the world commencing with Pastor Biodun Lawal in Accra, Ghana. Like other ministers that followed, Pastor Biodun was on set with beneficiaries of the various projects of the Healing School, and testifiers who shared testimonies as a result of their partnership with the Healing School.

Sharing the impact of the Global Youth Leaders Forum in Latin America, Daniel Sanchez said, “We’ve been able to touch many lives and turn many hearts to salvation. There’s not enough money in the world to buy this experience.”

This passion and commitment to fulfill the will of God in the earth were mutual as each speaker spoke. Monica from Canada, in sharing her inspiration for partnering with the Healing School said, “I’m inspired by seeing lives being transformed. Partnership can give life back to someone.”Another outstanding part of the Healing to the Nations Live was the sessions of exhortation, veteran ministers of the Gospel, shared deep truths on finances and partnership with the cause: "Taking healing to the nations."

Pastor Dipo Fisho during his ministration, urged the viewers saying, “Sponsor righteousness. Righteousness exalts a nation.”Pastor Freedom Wealth-Eriya from South Africa, encouraged the global audience with these words, “It’s God’s time for you to be the mandate and the strategy for taking healing to your nations. Act now!”

Seasoned words filled with grace and power to proliferate this Gospel of hope and health everywhere are what characterized the teachings of these ministers. In the course of the program, the global congregation watched as live testifiers shared their life-changing experiences with the Healing School. Favour Johnson benefitted from the activities of the Loveworld Medical Missions as a free herniorrhaphy procedure was conducted on him, which transformed his life. John from Colombia, received his miracle while watching Healing Streams TV. He had severe back pains for 20 years, which hindered him from walking long distances and standing over a long period. All this happened because one leg was shorter than the other. He received his healing during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris; in an instant decades of discomfort ceased!

While the program was streaming, pledges and seeds from all over the world flowed in from viewers who had decided to connect to the grace of God by partnering with the Healing School.

Healing to the Nations Live was a time of strategic positioning for the proliferation of healing to every nation, tribe, and tongue through viable means, with the gargantuan grace, unleashed. There is an exigency in the Spirit, and the Lord is counting on you to saturate the earth with healing and divine health. You can sign up to partner with the Healing School now at  

Remember, you are God’s gift to the man of God, Pastor Chris, in the fulfillment of this God-given mandate.  

God bless you.

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