God gave us His Word to live by. You can be, have, and enjoy all God has destined for you, if you’d live by His Word. How you move from glory to glory in your victorious and triumphant life in Christ, is dependent on your knowledge and application of God’s Word. You must stand on the Word of God for yourself.  

As new creations, we act on the Word. Many believe that what they need when they’re in a predicament is ‘powerful prayer’. So, they look for that ‘superstar’ Christian that’ll pray a powerful prayer to God for them. Some say, “But I have several people praying for me, yet my situation hasn’t changed.”  

God never said that your miracle would occur on the basis of the multiplicity of prayers. What He wants is for you to be in control of your life. It’s one of the reasons He gave you His Word and the Holy Spirit. If you live according to God’s Word, you wouldn’t need a plethora of Prophets praying for you before you can walk in God’s blessings. Acting on the Word is what you need.  

2 Corinthians 4:17 says, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” In Isaiah 43:2, the Lord said, “When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”  

There’s no hopelessness for a child of God. It doesn’t matter what you’ve faced or are facing in your life; the challenges aren’t for your destruction. The troubles you face are for your testimonies; you’re more than a conqueror. Therefore, face tough times and win. Perhaps you’ve been given an unpleasant diagnosis, trust the Name of Jesus! Irrespective of the pain or symptoms, it is subject to the Word of God. Keep declaring, “I know I’m healed; my body is vitalized by the Holy Ghost who lives in me!” There’s someone living inside you that makes you indomitable. No matter what you face, you win.  

Effecting the changes that you desire in any circumstance is simple. Once you’re sure of what the Word says about the issue, demand a change on the basis of God’s Word and there will be a change. The Bible clearly reveals the potency and efficacy of God’s Word. His Word is absolute reality, and all you need to keep experiencing victory and divine health in life is living by the principles of God’s Word, for we’re Word practitioners – we do the Word.  

Continually declare that you’re blessed, highly favored, and prosperous in all things because the Word says so. This isn’t about prayer, it’s about acting your faith to walk in God’s provision for you. It’s about standing on the Word of God for yourself.  

Cultivate speaking such words; the Healing Streams TV has a special bouquet, ‘Faith’s Proclamation’ to help with this. Click to access a library of this series.  

Also, tune in to Healing Streams TV every weekend at 7 p.m. (GMT+1) for fresh episodes.  

Chart your course for greatness with faith-filled words today!

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