At last, the long-awaited Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris! Many prayed, publicized, prepared online and onsite centers, and partnered financially in anticipation of this global event that would channel divine healing to nations. This July edition has been on lips of many who are eager for the Lord's mighty works through the man of God, Pastor Chris. For day 1, the stage was set as people connected from all over the world for a spectacular time.  

The Healing Streams Live Healing Services commenced at 3pm GMT+1 with the Loveworld Singers leading heavenly worship sessions. Billions around the world lifted their voices to the Lord and Master of all Creation. The atmosphere was charged, the aura was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, and praises rose as fragrant incense to the heavenlies.

In her opening address, the director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, welcomed the world to this glorious healing crusade. She intimated the audience on what to expect: “In this month of joy, great shouts of joy will be heard around the world as the Healing Streams of God flow to you; changing situations and turning hopeless circumstances around to the glory of the Name of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.”  

Pastor Deola also thanked Pastor Chris for his dedication to the heavenly vision and mandate to take healing to the nations; a mandate that has transformed lives all around the world. She wrapped up her address by encouraging the global participants to be responsive to every spiritual instruction in the course of the service and to open their hearts to receive supernatural blessings.  

A special video highlight of the March edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services had many praising God with renewed fervor as they glorified the Lord for His marvelous works.  

On set with Reverend Tom Amenkhienan, a senior minister of the Healing School, Pastor Deola shared perspectives on the impact of the Healing Streams. Expressing the excitement in his spirit, Rev. Tom said, “Each edition of the Healing Streams keeps getting more phenomenal. The March edition was another level, over 6.7 billion people were reached and many were healed around the world.”

He related the testimony of Enoabassy, a  baby born with club foot who could not sit properly. With great hunger for a miracle, his parents participated in the Live Healing Services. Enoabassy is now perfectly whole and seats and stands without difficulty.

“Jesus Chris is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Today is your day. You make up your mind because all that God requires from you is to receive. God has planned this day for you,"  said Rev. Tom as he reiterated the importance of active participation.  

Next, Reverend Ray Okocha — senior minister at the Healing School and host of" How to Receive a Miracle" — discussed testimonies from the publicity leading to the program. He started with this remarkable statement: “The moment the man of God announced the date for the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, everyone began to prepare. From heaven, there was preparation as healing angels invades the earth. In hell, there was preparation as it was time for devils to pack up their loads and go.”  

Amongst several life-transforming testimonies he shared was one from Kenya where a man had collapsed in a bus, not breathing and without a pulse. Another passenger placed a Healing Streams flier on him and the man came back to life!

The testimonies continued with Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase — another senior minister of the Healing School and host of "Real Miracles Today" — in interviews with several people who had exhilarating testimonies to share.  

Blessing from Cameroon attested testify God's goodness. Following a slight headache that led to fever, vomiting blood, and a coma, she was diagnosed with liver and kidney failure. Given a 7% chance of survival; she registered for the March Healing Streams. That program changed her story. The dead organs became brand new and the audience could not hold back shouts of joy and excitement, as they watched her enthusiasm.

The Loveworld Singers led participants everywhere to exalt the Lord in psalms and spiritual songs, as the man of God, Pastor Chris, entered the auditorium.  

Pastor Chris declared the sovereignty of God and thanked the Lord Jesus for such an unforgettable day. He exhorted all with the story of the man at the pool of Bethesda from John chapter 5, and how Jesus the Son of God was sent to give direct access to the Father.  

He further started an exhortation on three important things: "I've got 3 important things I want to share with you today. We think that they are mere religious statements but that's because most people don't understand them. They don't know the reality of these. I want you to keep these truths in your heart always." With various references from the Scriptures, he cited the first 2, which are (1) God loves you and (2) You are born with a purpose.  

The man of God proceeded to the healing line. He ministered to the sick and the atmosphere was saturated with God’s presence. Wheelchairs and stretchers were vacated as the lame walked. Men, women, and children ran, jumped, rolled, and bent every way, all doing what they couldn’t do before their healing.  

All those participating remotely via the internet, as well as radio and TV stations in different parts of the world were not left out. Pastor Chris stretched forth his hands and proclaimed healing, health, and life to all, in the Name of Jesus.  

It was indeed an avalanche of miracles. The Lord poured out His blessings and many testified. Doubtlessly, stories and testimonies from this day will continue to flow and inspire the world for a long time to come.  

To think that this is just the first day of three days in this global healing crusade. Oh, what the Lord has in store for days 2 & 3! Do you know anyone in pains, requiring a miracle? It’s not too late. The registration links are still available. Visit to register.  

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