God's greatest wish is for you to prosper and live in health. That's why He didn't say “Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be healed…” Rather, He said, “that you would prosper and be in health.” He's talking about you living in divine health and not merely getting healed. Healing is good; it's the children's bread, but walking in divine health is far better. When you're living in divine health, you don't need healing because you don't get sick. 

To some people, this sounds absurd because they feel someone can’t be perpetually healthy, but that's the life Jesus brought to us. That's what His death, burial and resurrection accomplished for us. We've been called to live a life that is sickness-free and disease-free. 

As you grow in Christ, it's important that you leave the good things for the best. Thus, you ought to transcend the level of needing healing from God to live every day in divine health. This is the life of the new creation in Christ Jesus; old things (including sickness) have passed away! 

When you received Christ, you received the life and nature of God into your spirit. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). 

That life isn't subject to sickness, disease or infirmity. The things that affect human life cannot affect the God-kind of life in you. That's why it's impossible for you to get sick or suffer defeat. 

This is why the Bible says “the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick…” (Isaiah 33:24). The city the prophet is referring to is Zion, the city of the living God – the city you were born into the moment you were born again (Hebrews 12:22-23). 

Now that you know you have the same quality of life that God has, you ought to dominate the circumstances of your world. Yes, your physical body may look the same as it was before you were born again, but every ounce of human life has been emptied and replaced with eternal life. 

The reason the citizens of Zion won't say that they are sick isn't because they're avoiding the wrong confessions; it's because they don't get sick. They are not “sick-able”! They are possessors of eternal life, and that life destroys sickness, repels disease and annuls infirmity. What you must do now is live with this consciousness. Become conscious of your divine origin and walk in divine health.

The Healing to the Nations Magazine is a resource with life-transforming articles that inspire and inform.  It stirs faith in the hearts of readers, equipping them with the truth of God’s Word for healing and divine health, and salvation. This life-changing material is replete with content that will greatly enrich your Christian life. You can get your free copy here:

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