FRIDAY 25 - SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2024 (12 PM GMT+1)

An Overwhelming Outpouring of Miracles!

After months of joyous anticipation, of ceaseless prayer and publicity and preparation, the day had finally come for the March edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services to begin. From the Healing Streams to innumerable physical and virtual centers in every nation and every corner of cyberspace, people gathered like clouds foreshadowing a mighty downpour.

At 6 pm (GMT+1), the floodgates opened and the Healing Streams Live Healing Services began with a string of beautiful songs of faith and worship led by the peerless Loveworld Singers. As they led and the global congregation sang along, you could tell that there was something special in the air; the anointing was palpable.

Right after, the Director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, took the stage and gave a short but powerful opening remark. Taking her words from the last song by the Loveworld Singers, she declared, “Healing streams from heaven are flowing! Already we are in the flow of the Spirit, and wherever you are around the world I want to welcome you to this healing crusade, the largest and the most impactful, touching all the earth. You are welcome to the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris!”

Speaking on the months leading up to this day, Reverend Tom remarked, “There’s been so much anticipation and preparation all over the world. This is like nothing that’s ever come before; it’s going to be phenomenal. There is nowhere in the world where people are not planning for this. Everybody is now aware that this is the biggest healing crusade the world has ever seen”

Next was a lineup of testimonies in a segment anchored by Evangelist Eddy Owase, a senior minister of the Healing School and host of Real Miracles Today.  

First up was 25-year-old Protogene Ahorushakiy from Rwanda. In 2017, Protogene fractured his spine in an accident and, as a result, was paralyzed from the waist down. For the next four years, he was confined to a wheelchair and went from hospital to hospital looking for a solution. Protogene participated in the October 2021 Healing Streams Live Healing Services from a healing center in his town, and after Pastor Chris prayed for the sick all over the world, he stood up for the first time in four years. “The doctors ran all sorts of tests, but all they could tell was that, beyond all hope of recovery, I had somehow recovered overnight.”

As the testimonies flowed, faith was stirred in the hearts of many, and Pastor Chris arrived and proceeded over to the healing line and began to minister healing to them. At a word, and sometimes just a gesture, demons fled and healing was immediate. Cancers dematerialized, autoimmune conditions vanished without a trace, and people who had erstwhile been unable to stand up got out of wheelchairs and began to run.

After ministering to the sick in the auditorium, Pastor Chris began to teach from the Scriptures about the power in the Name of Jesus, and why we should pray and live in His Name. “Ephesians 1:20 tells us the basis of Jesus’ authority. God set Jesus at His own right hand, When you set someone at your right hand, you give them the power to act in your stead. Jesus is at God's Right Hand, far above principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named. No wonder the Apostles used the Name of Jesus. This is what Christians need to rediscover,” he admonished.

The impact of this revelation was immediate as all over the globe, people began to receive their healing as Pastor Chris called their cases up. Juliana, participating from her living room in Kenya, got up from her couch, praising God; she had just been healed of kidney failure. Yanick from Curacao got healed of stage 4 cancer of the breast and liver. Wurilaga from China was suffering from congenital heart disease but when Pastor Chris said, “You are healed!” her face lit up and she jumped up from her chair, rejoicing at the good news.

Tumors vanished, heart failure was reversed, autoimmune disorders disappeared, and all manner of oppression ceased as the demons that had held people bound fled at the mention of the Name of Jesus. The testimonies started coming in almost immediately, with people calling in from places far and wide to confirm that they had been healed in their homes and in healing centers.

As the session drew to a close, Pastor Chris declared, “All night and all day, these healings will continue until we meet again tomorrow, because this power that was transmitted to you wherever you are participating from will not leave. It stays with you.”

This is only the beginning. There are two more sessions to go, and for everyone in your world, it is an opportunity to experience God’s power firsthand. They can still register now at, and you can create a virtual center to share this with your online community by going to


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