There are those who say life is full of ups and downs, but God didn’t call His children to live the down life. His plan is for them to journey in one direction, upward and forward only, and there's no option to that. That's the life to which you've been called; a life of increase, progress, and advancement.  

Irrespective of the prevalent economic situation in the country where you live, you can still make progress and prosper. God's greatest wish is for you to prosper and live in health (3 John 1:2). He's talking about you living in divine health and not merely getting healed. This means that God wants you to grow to a point where you are ever prosperous and don't need healing because you don't get sick – it's a whole new level altogether.  

The Bible says Isaac waxed great, went forward, and grew until he became very great. In other words, he made progress and became successful in every area of his life despite famine in Gerar. His friends and neighbors had journeyed away to Egypt where there was plenty of corn, but as Isaac was about to head for Egypt, God spoke out of heaven, instructing him to stay in Gerar, where there was a famine, and to sow in that same land.  

The key to Isaac's prosperity was his obedience. Isaac became very great because he followed God's instructions; his obedience paid off. Learn to listen to the Spirit of God for direction. Wherever He tells you to go is where you should go, and whatever He tells you to do is what you should do. It didn't matter that there was a famine in the land, his results turned out differently.  

It doesn't matter how your body feels or what reports you may have received; the Word of God is health to your flesh, and as you continually speak it, your body will be daily revitalized by that same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead.

It doesn't matter how things may look around you; if you let the Holy Spirit guide you in the affairs of your life, like Isaac, you'll wax great, move forward, and grow until you become very great! Your life will be a story of unending progress and continuous spreading.

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