FRIDAY 25 - SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2024 (12 PM GMT+1)


In the journey of expressing joy and sharing the spirit of celebration, the power of our voice takes center stage. Our ability to communicate, sing, and uplift others is an invaluable gift. Whether it's conveying gratitude, proclaiming good news, or resonating with melodies, a healthy and strong voice becomes our companion in these endeavors.  

In all these, you need your voice to remain steady, strong, and healthy. So, let’s go over a few tips for keeping your voice healthy and in good working order.  

Avoid Shouting  

Shouting excessively and for long periods can irritate the vocal cords and even cause injuries to your larynx (voice box). Yes, you will shout and make joyful noises, but the Bible counsels us to be temperate in all things. If you find that your throat feels irritated after talking for a little while, you should learn to speak in a relaxed manner with the pitch of your voice slightly raised; it’s a great way to preserve your vocal cords.  

Sleep Well  

Research has shown that insufficient sleep is unhealthy for vocal performance. In addition to its effects on your general state of health, sleeplessness harms the fine muscle coordination that goes into the production of your voice. Invest in a good bed and keep your bedroom clean, tidy, and airy to improve your quality of sleep. Don’t sleep in a draft; if you must use a fan, keep it at least 3 meters away from your body. Also, avoid sleeping late.  

Eat the Right Foods  

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is great for your body in general and your voice in particular. Professional singers will often tell you that fried and frozen foods hurt your voice quality, so cut back on those. Fruits rich in vitamins A and C are great for the voice and taste good too! Have fun eating them in fruit salads or blending them into smoothies.  

Stay Hydrated  

Drinking the right amount of water is pivotal to good health. Your voice is produced by a complex process involving fine muscle coordination, and water helps your vocal muscles contract and relax as needed. Water also soothes and protects the mucous membranes in your throat. As much as possible, stick to water that’s lukewarm or room temperature. Cold water stiffens the muscles and is not the best for your vocal health.  

Stay Warm  

If this is winter in your region, dress appropriately for the weather. Dress in layers, put on a pair of gloves, and don’t forget to wrap a scarf around your neck. Staying warm is good for more than just your voice; your entire body will benefit from it.  

Breathe Properly  

There is a proper way to breathe and you probably do it when you’re asleep. When you’re awake, however, it’s a completely different matter. What’s the proper way to breathe? You breathe in by taking care to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and letting your abdomen push out. You’ll find that breathing in this way is quite calming. Try to always breathe like this. You’ll notice that you use less force when talking and your voice is less likely to break.  

Exercise Regularly  

One great way to protect your voice is to exercise. Vigorous exercise forces you to breathe deeply under some pressure, so you’ll find that you breathe deeper and speak and sing with a stronger, richer voice after a while.  

A Few More Things  

If your voice feels strained or irritated, rest your voice and talk or sing only when absolutely necessary. There are also home remedies like ginger, lemon, and honey tea, that can help your voice relax and recover.  

By embracing these timeless practices, we would enable our voice to remain a steadfast companion,  

reflecting our commitment to meaningful communication and shared joy.

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