FRIDAY 25 - SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2024 (12 PM GMT+1)


Hooray! What an exciting kickoff of the July 2023 Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris! Numerous individuals have fervently prayed, publicized, and prepared centers, both online and on-site, all aimed at spreading divine healing across the nations. The eagerly awaited July edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris has been a topic of anticipation as people expect transcendent miracles as healing streams flow everywhere.

The July 2023 Healing Streams Live Healing Services began at 3 p.m. (GMT+1). The Loveworld Singers led a glorious praise and worship session that resonated with billions around the world, lifting their voices to honor the Lord and the highest God. The atmosphere was electrifying, and worship rose like incense to the heavens.

To start the service, the esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips, Director of the Healing School, warmly welcomed participants from all corners of the globe to this glorious healing crusade. These were her words, “We are reaching you through the grace of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit from here to the ends of the earth. It makes no difference where you’re participating from, the power of God will touch you where you are. What you need to do is to connect to this program intentionally and focus on what we’re doing here.”

Pastor Deola went on to lead the global attendees in the Rhapsody article for the day. Rhapsody of Realities is the no.1 Daily Devotional available in all known languages of the earth authored by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. The article for the day was titled, ‘He’s forever the same’. This article highlighted the consistency of Jesus and His all-powerful name.

A keynote was, ‘The Name of Jesus saves, delivers, protects, heals, preserves and makes whole. Perhaps the doctors have given up on you or on a loved one to die, maybe because of kidney failure, a heart disease, or a nervous breakdown. Don’t fret; our Lord is gracious, kind, and all-powerful! Call on His Name and there’ll be a change.’ Such timeous words on a day set apart for a downpour of miracles.

The succeeding segment was a session of praise led by the Loveworld Singers and then a  trialogue with Pastor Deola Phillip, Rev. Tom Amenkhiena, and Rev. Ray Okocha, both being senior ministers at the Healing School.  

Rev. Tom, while speaking on the impact of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services on the earth said, “This is God’s healthcare system and welfare. In a world with lots of sicknesses that are sometimes man-made, the Healing School is a place where a change can come to you.’  

He described the Healing Streams Live Healing Services as unprecedented, “This is the biggest thing happening now in the history of mankind. This is God’s perfect will now and the channel through which God brings His healing to billions of people all over the world.”

He also read out some testimonies from earlier Live Healing Services: Lee, who had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and excessive fluid in the brain. This left him bedridden, unable to walk speak or eat on his own. Things took a magnificent turn as he registered and participated in a Live Healing Service where he received wholeness.

Quefenging’s testimony was another beautiful testimony he read out. Life was unbearable for this 65-year-old, as she endured the pain of meniscus detachment and ligament rupture, an ordeal that she struggled with since 2019. Her moment of recovery came after she registered and participated in the March 2023 Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. The man of God prayed for her and ever since she has been energized.

Reverend Tom reiterated the importance of actively participating in the Live Healing Services and following specific instructions from the Holy Spirit. He concluded by encouraging the live audience: "Get ready! Don’t let anything distract you, it’s your day, and your miracle has come. I encourage you to do everything you need to do; don’t worship or fellowship with the pain, fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Today is your day!"

Rev. Ray took over and spoke on the blessings wrought during the publicity and registration in preparation for the July Live Healing Services. He shared the testimony of Isaac from South Africa. He was healed of tuberculosis, a case that made him unable to lift his legs, stand, or walk; thus, confining him to a wheelchair for 4 months.

He was ministered to in his home with a copy of the Healing to the Nations Magazine where he immediately received the ability to walk and move again!

A beautiful segment of prayers ensued as Reverend Ray anchored the next segment, leading the congregation in prayer. These prayers were raised for leaders and nations; declaring the name of Jesus in every territory.

After a session of praise, Evang. Dr. Eddy Owase, also a senior minister at the Healing School, welcomed five heroes of faith, who through their faith received their testimonies. These testifiers shared their testimonies right on set and with others virtually.

Sira from India was one of these heroes of faith who shared his testimony. A flawed spinal ailment caused the lower back to lose some of its natural inward curvature and become unusually straight. This became severe, impairing his physical abilities. Extreme fatigue and exhaustion, heart palpitations, stiffness in the spine, difficulty standing, and maintaining proper posture were some of the grave symptoms he endured. Sadly, this went on for 4 years.

To the glory of God, Sira followed Pastor Chris’ videos on YouTube and saw how people’s lives had been transformed. With faith, he registered for the March 2023 HSLHS and that was when he received his healing. Instantly, his spine was corrected and returned to a normal position. Sira said, “After 4 years, in a split second my fracture was gone.”  

Another beautiful testimony shared was from Clara who suffered bronchial asthma for 38 years. Years of seeking a solution proved abortive; this made her depressed. Clara got to the point where she couldn’t carry out physical activities such as cooking, cleaning, or jogging without struggles. This woman from Portugal received her healing after hearing about Pastor Chris from a colleague. Upon receiving this information, she registered and participated in the event which changed her life! Clara received total healing and now those symptoms and limitations are history.

This moment came to a glorious conclusion as Evangelist Dr. Eddy Owase wrapped it up with these words, “Now the time has come, the moment you’ve been waiting for is here. Congratulations!”

The grand moment arrived as Pastor Chris walked into the auditorium, welcomed with joyful shouts and great expectations. He prophesied to everyone expecting a blessing.  

“Wherever you are in the world today, I want you to know the Lord is right where you are because He loves you. The whole world belongs to Him; He can be anywhere at the same time. God’s power will reach you. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve suffered, what the condition is, or where you are right now. In His name healing will come to you, just get ready.”  

The Loveworld Singers led in psalms and hymns as Pastor Chris approached the healing line to transfer God’s liquid love. He laid hands on them, addressing the root of their conditions, and through the power of God, divine healing took place. Wheelchairs and stretchers were abandoned as the lame walked; men, women, and children ran, rolled, bent, and somersaulted, doing what used to be impossible.

Pastor Chris then spent the next few minutes teaching the true meaning of the Gospel and Jesus as the Son of God. “The Gospel is about Jesus Christ, who He is, and what He came to do. It's also about man, you, your origin, your purpose, and destiny. In other words where you came from. Why you’re here in this world and your purpose.” ~ Pastor Chris

He urged listeners to be ambassadors of Christ, “Everywhere you go tell others who Jesus is. It is too important.” Pastor Chris further explained how Jesus is the express image of God and also how all of the nature of God was tabernacled in Jesus. What a revelation!  

The next activity featured some testimonies received so far from participants across the earth. Karen from the United Kingdom, before the service, had difficulty breathing and heart palpitations. Immediately she heard Pastor Chris say, “You are healed!” all the complications seized.

It was truly a deluge of blessings as lives were metamorphosed. Miracles took place in homes, offices, hospitals, open spaces, churches, and everywhere! It's a healing program and so much more is made available through the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.  

There are two more services ahead, the streams of healing never run dry! Any moment is your moment. Visit for more inspiring updates from the Healing Streams Live Healing Services.

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