FRIDAY 25 - SUNDAY 27 OCTOBER 2024 (12 PM GMT+1)


As the month comes to an end, it’s important to enter into a new month victoriously. Knowing God’s plan, direction and your role in walking in this light is of uttermost importance.

Hence, the Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris, which takes place every first Sunday of the month will hold at 3 p.m. (GMT+1). This event usually airs live on the Healing School Mobile App and Healing Streams TV.

On Sunday, April 2, 2023, another Global Service will hold with the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. In preparation to receive God’s Word for the new month, saints around the world embark on a special prayer and fast on that day.

The Holy Communion is a significant sacrament in the Church. The first to carry out this act was our Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper with His disciples. This has since become a part of the Christian culture.

Jesus declared in 1 Corinthians 11:25, “… This cup is the New Testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.” The Cup signifies the New Testament sealed in His blood. His divine blood was shed for you for the remission of sins so that sin should not have dominion over you. Now you are the product of the New Testament; you are what He got for His sacrifice!

As a result, sin and death have ceased to have dominion over those who believe in Jesus. Pastor Chris taught extensively on this during the March 2023 Live Healing Services. He took time to explain righteousness and the victorious life gifted us through the death and resurrection of the soon-coming King.

It is this knowledge that has continuously fueled the expansion of the healing ministry of Pastor Chris. As it is God’s desire for his children to live in divine health every day, minute and second. Hence the mandate, ‘Healing Everywhere’.

This mandate has become a movement. With various vehicles delivering healing to numerous homes around the world. Many have testified of being healed through their participation at the Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, watching Healing Streams TV, believing the words written in the Healing to the Nations Magazine and participating in other Healing School programs.

Family members have taken up the responsibility of making sure their loved ones live in health. This was the case of Bongeka, who shared the Healing to the Nations Magazine with her cousin, Nolitha.

Bongeka recounts the experience, “My cousin, Nolitha was admitted to the hospital because she had internal bleeding. We were worried about her health condition. Then, I received the Healing to the Nations Magazine from a friend and when I read the testimonies and health confessions, my faith was stirred; I decided to share the magazine with her. From then on, she began to make bold declarations daily, thanking God for her healing and telling her body that the life of God is at work in it. To the glory of God, her body began to respond; the bleeding stopped and she was healed of every infirmity.”

What a miracle! This is God’s will, that sickness and death have no power of His own. The Global Communion with Pastor Chris is a service where your faith will be charged and divine insights will be revealed to you as Pastor Chris shares teachings from God’s Word. Remember the second coming of Jesus Christ is closer and he’s coming for a perfect church!

Get ready to receive God’s direction for the month of April as you join Pastor Chris for the April Global Communion Service on Sunday, 2 April 2023 at 3 p.m. (GMT+1).

It will indeed be a time of the supernatural. Don’t miss it. Participate live on the Healing School Mobile App and Healing Streams TV. See you there!

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